Governing Board Member Isaac Aboah attends the Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting in London

CHEC Governing Board Member Isaac Aboah travels to London from Accra to attend the five-day Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting at Marlborough House this week (11 - 15 September). Isaac shares his thoughts from Day 1:

Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting

Education Meeting - 11th September, 2023


The day commenced with an enlightening introduction and an address by the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth Secretariat. Subsequent breakout rooms were organised, focusing on four pivotal thematic areas: Engagement, Education, Environment, and Employment.

My main focus for the day was on the education discussion; following my initial submission to the Commonwealth Consortium for Education

Education Discussion:

Central Questions:

  1. What are the emerging trends in education, and how can we ensure that the youth in the Commonwealth are equipped with the skills needed for the future?

  2. How can we bridge the educational disparities that exist across the Commonwealth, ensuring equitable access to quality education for all young people?

  3. What role can digital platforms and technologies play in reshaping the educational landscape for the youth, and how can we make these accessible and effective across diverse settings?

My Contributions:

Complex Problem Solving: Emphasised the importance of integrating design thinking into the curriculum to foster complex problem-solving skills.

Personal Responsibility & Accountability: Advocated for instilling a sense of leadership within classrooms and empowering students through out-of-class work education, thereby fostering personal responsibility and accountability.

Commonwealth Scholarships: Stressed the significance of supporting the Commonwealth scholarships to promote equity in education.

Preservation of Indigenous Knowledge: Recognized the invaluable role of local communities in preserving indigenous knowledge and culture. Consequently, I recommended a comprehensive review of education policies to decolonize and incorporate cultural differences within educational curriculums.

I also followed the conversation on the Environment.

Environment Discussion:

Key Takeaways:

Capacity Building: Emphasised the need for capacity building among young people to enhance their effectiveness in negotiations.

Practical Learning: Advocated for the introduction of practical learning programs in schools to drive tangible change.

Enabling Youth: Highlighted the importance of shifting towards eco-consciousness to empower the youth in environmental matters.

Accountability: Stressed the need for stringent accountability measures to ensure adherence to environmental standards.

Legal Frameworks: Discussed the importance of establishing robust legal frameworks to safeguard environmental interests.

Coordination Among Member Nations: Emphasised the significance of coordination between member nations and the sharing of experiences to foster a collaborative approach to environmental challenges.

Finances: Addressed the need for adequate financial support to ensure the effective implementation of environmental initiatives.

The Commonwealth is committed to fostering the active participation of young people in high-level conversations. I recommend that CHEC re-align its programs and initiatives to focus on these themes, especially youth-focused education and environment initiatives.


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